Thursday, December 6, 2007

The novely has worn right off.

Well, it's the end of week one and the novelty of being home all the time has worn right off.
What did I accomplish today? I cleaned the kitchen. Again. Ate a couple of meals and helped with a "hard puzzle". Much of the afternoon was spent driving to and from the chiropractor's office.
I spent a lot of time yesterday cleaning the kitchen and living/dining rooms. They have been neglected for a while and really needed a good cleaning. Then I made a big supper for guests (we always have the in-laws over on Wednesdays), cleaned up the leftovers and got A. to bed.
A. was up twice during the night and I was tired and grumpy when I got up. Only to be greeted by a kitchen full of dishes. So much for plans of getting things done. I remember this feeling from last time I was on mat leave. Working and getting nothing for it.
To add insult to injury I decided to redeem the day by getting one of the planned cooking projects done - making calzones for supper and the freezer. They were a big flop, even though I followed the recipe almost exactly (gasp, I know). A very big disappointment.
The entire day was a very big disappointment. But it's worse, because I have a feeling that every week is going to be like this. I'm falling into a pit.

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