Wednesday, May 13, 2009

First Sale and firm Direction...

Oh, man, I am blown away!
I sold 4 barrettes this morning to a coworker. 2 leaves and 2 silly monsters. What a confirmation that I am going in the right direction!

I met with my friend who’s shop I was thinking I’d sell these in last night. In the end I decided not to put them in there just yet. Here’s the thing – I can not make large volumes yet (hello – full time job), and I think I can sell everything I can make myself – between showing friends and people I meet to maybe even setting up a table at the farmer’s market (a great way to enjoy the farmer’s market without spending a bundle, by the way! Ingenious, I know.). Since I can make more money off of each sale if I do it myself that’s what I am going to do for now. And, as of this morning, I have almost paid for the supplies I bought. Almost. OK, maybe halfway, but still…

So here’s what my friend had to say:
-There’s nothing like this available locally – and from the sweater felt (which she loved and thought it was a good angle) nothing available at all.
-Pink outsells every other color. The people who buy this type of thing are dressing their girls up in cute and princess. That’s the market. She suggested crowns. I don’t think I can do that (moral issues – princess=gag), but I get the pink thing.

P.S. I promise promise promise pictures soon… They’re even taken already I just have to get onto the computer at home… I don’t know why that is so difficult

1 comment:

Karen said...

hi, good luck selling your stuff it sounds promising! Damp stretching?? I learnt how at university, if I get chance later I will google it for you and send a link, Karen